Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kids Are Great!

When you are having a really bad day, find yourself a grandchild. Borrow one if you have to, but it is imperative to your well-being (and theirs) , to be able to connect. The reason that you want to go to any lengths to connect with a grandchild is...............grandchildren love unconditionally. You know how parents love their children unconditionally? Well, grandchildren are like that. They don't care if you are not perfect, they love you as you are. They give themselves whole-heartedly, loving without abandon, and they have just as much fun loving you as you do loving them! I think that's why God made kids; because He knew that we needed them so much. When I am really down, I can love on a grandchild, and it does wonders for my soul, and they seem to like it as well.
Another great thing to do with a grandchild, is to take them swimming. That's a blast! They love it when you sneak up on them in the water, and act like you are going to dunk them, and when they get their water guns out and squirt you, then you have to chase them all over the pool, (and you have to take a really long time to catch them, because the longer it takes to catch them, the more fun you have), and then when you catch them, you have to dunk them, ( but you give them a chance to hold their nose before you do). They really act like they are terrified that you are going to dunk them, but it's funny how they manage to let you catch them. Kids are great!
It's great to be able to leave the responsibility to the parents, and just have fun with the grandchildren, feed them junk-food, and let them watch cartoons in your bed.
I hope my grandchildren have as much fun being my grandchildren, as their Grand-dad and I do being their grandparents.

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